What Is a Cloud-Based Phone System and how will it benefit my business?

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cloud-based phone system

To support the growing trend for home and flexible working, a  Cloud-Based Phone System is a complete communications service that provides an extensive range of fixed and mobile telephony capabilities via an easy-to-use web portal. Cloud Phone allows you to access communication from almost anywhere that has an internet connection. There’s no complicated hardware and integration to support, you just simply connect to the internet and away you go.

Improve the flexibility and productivity of your business

A Cloud-Based Phone System from Tech IP offers unlimited network resilience to provide a cheaper, more flexible phone service. It also helps to improve your organisation’s productivity and image – seamless integration with well-known CRM systems and soft phone features help present highly professional communications with the minimum of effort.

Call management is extremely easy as you can receive multiple calls at the same time, record calls, track time and route calls through to the right person every time. And there’s no downtime as you can start the set up and deployment, before switching off your old system.

Save Money

With a Cloud Phone you can save money and improve interoperability between your mobiles and fixed phones with extremely competitive on-net rates over a business-grade network.

A major benefit of cloud communications is that there is no major hardware investment. With no maintenance and no additional financial costs to consider, Cloud phones can really save your business money. With our cloud phone, you get state-of-the-art technology with an easy to manage monthly subscription based on number of users. For remote workers it allows them to work from different locations, with clever features that ensure you never miss a call.

a Cloud-Based Phone System takes the burden away from your IT team. Local administrators manage and configure the system according to your organisation’s needs. Employees can then manage their calls easily and effectively, maximising individual productivity.


Cloud telephony is the future for high performance, success, efficiency and cost-effective business telephone systems. Our Cloud Phones offer many different features designed to help your business be more efficient and deliver superior customer experience every time.

If you would like more information then please contact us on 0800 505 3350 or drop us a contact form and we will be happy to send you more details. Alternative why not visit our Cloud telephone systems page where you can find out more about this great technology and see how it could improve

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