How do you avoid downtime when your organisation moves office?

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Avoiding downtime in your hours of business should be one of the points at the top of your list, if your key clients have difficulty contacting you when you move office, the costs of this can be high.

If you are retaining your current telephone numbers or re using your current telephone system at your new site then some degree of downtime simply cannot be avoided. In this scenario you may wish to consider out of hours work planed around your move dates.

If you are installing new systems at your new site then a smooth transition during working hours should be possible, your new systems can be up and running in advance of your move and any issues with calls to your existing telephone numbers can usually be managed through diverts ensuring a continuation of service for all.

To discuss your best options and move plan simply contact us  to arrange a telephone call or meeting and we will help you decide on how best to manage this aspect of your move for free.

As a general rule we would encourage anyone planning a move to start considering your options 12 weeks before your planned move date.

We hope the above information is useful to you, if you would like assistance in understanding your best options then please contact us, alternatively you can download our telephone systems buyers guide as useful reference material or even run a quick quote to obtain a budget cost for a new telephone system in less than 60 seconds by clicking here.

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